The Unforgiven was honored with a Kirkus starred review, indicating it's a book of exceptional merit. It was also granted the distinction of being one of Kirkus Magazine's Best Indie Books of 2016. Yet, I humbly ask those followers of this blog tour to read The Unforgiven and post reviews of it online. I made some mistakes with it in its early days, and didn't format it properly. It has since been fixed, but I need more reviews of it.
Please pwetty pweeze with sugar on top will you folks read and review The Unforgiven novel? Thank you so much, in advance, if you say yes!
About the Book
When the moon and the sun
Are joined as one,
From tears of strife, from the bitter ashes,
From sorrow and from rage
That what was once parted
Shall again be one.
First Captain Vanyar: Disgraced. Outlawed. Haunted by the chilling murder of his own men, he is consumed by guilt and knows he can never find redemption for his crimes. The most talented Shape-Shifter ever born, only he can save Princess Iyumi from a Witch's evil, and help her find the child of prophecy. But his Atani brothers, seeking justice for the slaying of Vanyar's unit, plan his private execution against the King's orders.
Prince Flynn: Despised by his own people, cruelly abused by his father, he fights to hide his magical gifts from those who would slay him for possessing them. By blood and by fire, he gains a terrible power, and condemns his own soul. He must find Princess Iyumi and the child, and bring them to his father's mistress, the Red Witch. Or the only people who ever mattered to him, his mother and his sister, will die.
What made you decide to write books?
I've always wanted to write. I started in the seventh grade writing stories. In college, I really tried to get going but didn't get very far. It wasn't until the mid-90s that I actually finished a novel.
What or who was your inspiration for your books?
A day dream. I wondered about a dying young man and a wizard who saves his life. That was the beginning of my first novel.
How do you create your characters?
In my head, I guess, though I know that sounds vague. I decide I need a character, then I create one. From there, his or her personality develops as I write, and the more I write the more personality they develop.
How do you get your ideas for writing?
My day job (as I still have one, though I want to be a full time writer more than anything), doesn't require a great deal of thought. So I write in my evenings, then before work I reread what I wrote the night before. Then as I work, I plot, I invent dialogue to go with it, I work out the next scene and if I think of something i REALLY don't want to lose I make notes. Then I go home with all these bits of paper and write more. And repeat.
Do you have a publisher or agent?
Nada. Just me, myself and I.
Can you give us a brief synopsis of your book?
People do terrible things sometimes and regret them. "The Unforgiven" is a story of two men who have done things they regret. On each side of good and evil, they battle one another for the life of a child prophesied long ago. One man embraces magic, and the other fears it. One land has creatures the gods created, the other is a land where terror rules, and somehow they must join as one. The reader must ask - "Will the two gain the redemption they seek?"
Who do you see as your target reader?
Young folks for the most part. Those that grew up on the "Lords of the Rings" movies and "Harry Potter". They would enjoy my books the most, I think my writing speaks to that generation more than folks of my own generation.
What challenges did you face as you wrote this book?
Characters, subplots and keeping my readers on their feet. I wanted my readers to see what my characters didn't, I need to develop subplots to make a few twists. It was a challenge, I'm telling you.
How long did it take you to write this book?
Pretty close to a year.
Do you plan your book, just write it to see what happens, or is it a little of both?
A little of both. I had scenes I wanted to write, then wrote and matched and then wrote some more.
What's your writing schedule? Do you strive for a certain amount of words each day?
No. I write until I can't see straight and force myself to go to bed. Sometimes what I read the next day is, well, interesting. And usually requires a great deal of editing.
How do you cope with writer's block?
Walk and work. My job requires a lot of walking and walking kicks my brain into gear. If I'm at home, then I'll go for a long walk and fix things in my head and hit the computer when I get back.
Which writers influence you the most and why?
Stephen King for his descriptions. Dick Francis for his first person narrative and Brit speak. David Eddings for being able to add humor to a fantasy story.
How do you make your characters believable & real?
I guess because I make them real in my head. I ask myself, "is this what a real person would do in this circumstance?" Thus I put them in a situation, make them heroic or evil or crazy or nutty or jolly and then add real life elements. I think it works too, but that's just me.
Is there something you need in order to write (music, drinks)?
Wine, naturally. And no cats pitching fits with one another in the living room. My glass of red, a cat purring in my lap, I'm ready to rock the literary world.
What are your future plans as an author?
Make a living as a writer. Full time. Have all my revenue come from my books.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
Marketing and making a name for myself. Become a brand and developing a platform. Its not all that hard - if I had days upon days to work at it. But I have to support myself, my horses and these squabbling cats. Its hard to work all day and find time to post on all these social media outlets.
Can you describe the feeling when you saw your published book for the first time?
That was an OMG moment. But as I'd been kicked by a horse the same day my first book went live, it was a rather weird evening. Crying from both joy and terrible pain. <laughing> I'll never forget that night. Ever.
What would be your advice to those thinking of writing a book?
Do it. Don't say to yourself, "Oh, I will someday", because someday will never come. Do it. Now.
What would be your advice to those struggling to write their book?
Write something every day. No matter how bad or awful it it. A bad page is better than a blank page.
Which do you prefer, a physical book, ebook or audio book & why?
Physical book. Despite being published in e-books first and loving the technology, I still love to sit with a real book. I love seeing my books in print.
About the Author

A Colorado native, she earned her B.A. in literature and history at Western State College, in Gunnison, Colorado. Her first novel, In a Wolf's Eyes, was published in April of 2012. Her second book, Catch a Wolf, was released in July, 2013. The third of the series, Prince Wolf, was released in May of 2014. The Unforgiven was published in March of 2015. Book Four, Under the Wolf's Shadow was published in June of 2016. She is busy working on the fifth of the Saga of the Black Wolf series, The Kinslayer.
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